Physiotherapy Consultation 物理治療

Our professional physiotherapy consultation will provide a well-round solution to your issues, whether it is for pain relief, restoration of joint movement or physical functions. Our teams are made of well-experienced physiotherapists specialised in musculoskeletal pain, injury management and sports rehabilitation. We will initially conduct a comprehensive physical assessment including postural and movement analysis related to your daily activities and habits. An individualised physiotherapy treatment plan will be implemented through the use of manual therapy, acupuncture/dry needling, fascial release and electro-physical modalities such as Shockwave, Ultrasounds, Radiofrequency, as well as therapeutic exercises that are specifically address your problems.

我們的專業物理治療檢查及治療服務為您提供全面的物理治療解決方案。我們的團隊由經驗豐富的專業物理治療師組成,專注於痛症以及創傷處理,恢復運動功能。我們提供詳盡的身體檢查,制定個性化治療計劃並運用多種物理治療技術,包括手法治療、針灸、筋膜放鬆、電磁療法和 臨床普拉提運動療法等。無論您需要痛症處理、康復治療或運動創傷的治療,我們都能為您提供卓越的服務。