High Intensity Interval Functional Training 高強度間歇功能性訓練

Our wellness team offers this special High-Intensity Functional Training for those who desires a high impact, high workout involving resistance, aerobic and core stability training at once in a 30-minutes session. No prior experience is required. Join us for a fun 30-minutes work-out with your friends and partners. Minimum of 2 pax are required.

我們誠意推介這 30分鐘 高強度循環訓練,適合任何人士想在短時間內完成一個完整嘅訓練 (包含阻力,帶氧及核心訓練)。 不需要任何經驗。 邀請你的朋友和伴侶 一齊參加, 二人同行成班!